AIP Keycloak Instance | Keycloak Service for PUNCH4NFDI Applications @ AIP |
Alise | Account LInking SErvice (ALISE) |
Apache FTS | test client for 3rd party data transfer |
Atmohub SMS (Sensor Management System at KIT) | sensor management system - an application to help scientists and technicians to manage sensors, measurement setups and campaigns. |
ATRIS | ATmospheric Research data Information System - a data management system based on Gitea, git and git-annex. Usage of this service is restricted to an authorized VO. |
Atmocatalogue | Data catalogue for climate research |
AWI Cloud | Registration portal |
blablador | This is a web chat using Large Language Models, intended for internal use of Helmholtz Researchers. The website stores no data whatsoever (it logs ip addresses for maintenance reasons and those are automatically deleted after a month) |
bwServicesHD | Registration Application for federated Services |
cat4kit | A cross-institutional data catalog framework for the FAIRification of environmental research data |
CLM-Community Website | Community platform for the Climate Limited-area Modelling Community |
COCAP | A Web-API for accessing a UFZ hosted Postgres database |
COVIM Immunohub | COVIM Immunohub |
Damon Staging | GNSS data API (staging) |
DataHub Community Website | DataHub Community Website |
DataHub Timeseries Management | Grafana Component of DataHub Timeseries Management |
dCache demo |
dCache-demo is a production dCache storage service, with unlimited storage capacity, for storing and retrieving scientific data. |
dCACHE View xdc | Test dCache instance |
desy-rucio | DESY Rucio instance for HIFIS |
DESY Sync and Share | Sync and share service of DESY. |
Django Development Client for Helmholtz AAI | Django Development Client for Helmholtz AAI |
diva | DIVA Service in the M-VRE project. |
DKFZ CareerCheck Dev | AAI Integration Development Instance of DKFZ CareerCheck |
DKFZ CareerCheck | AAI Integration Development of DKFZ CareerCheck (Productive Env.) |
DKFZ Career Check EU | AAI Integration Development of DKFZ CareerCheck (Productive Env EU domain.) |
DKFZ MiTO | MiTO is a platform for the exchange of preclinical model data relevant in translational cancer research. |
dkfzdspace4immuno | open source repository platform |
DMS | provides access to data from AWI research aircrafts. |
Earth Data Portal | The Earth Data Portal offers search for datasets, articles and publications and exploration of data products. |
eduMEET | eduMEET provides an easy to use, secure, and affordable video conferencing platform for the international research, education and art community as an alternative to commercial solutions. eduMEET simplifies real-time communication and introduces browser based personal conferencing tool that runs without the need to install any additional clients or plugins. Only a web-browser, microphone and simple web-camera are needed to start using the eduMEET service. eduMEET can support both computer and mobile devices, as long as the web browser supports WebRTC. |
EOSC PaN GitLab | Gitlab for Multi-federation access, including EGI check-in and Helmholtz AAI Users. |
FeLS at KIT | The Federated Login Service (FeLS) at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie can be used to gain access to shared resources. |
FEUDAL | FEUDAL is a system to reliably deploy local accounts on remote, federated sytems. FEUDAL enables users to upload SSH public keys. |
File Sender | FileSender is a webapplication that allows authenticated users to securely and easily send arbitrarily large files to other users. |
FTS@CERN | FTS is the File Transfer Service at CERN, responsible for distributing data across the WLCG network. |
FTS@HZDR | FTS is the File Transfer Service at CERN, responsible for distributing data across the WLCG network. |
FTS-HZDR | File transfer service endpoint for HZDR |
FZJ-IBG3-SMS | Sensor Management System at the IBG3.It has been developed within the DataHub initiative of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. |
FZJ-IBG3-TSM-SS | Time Series Managment Self Service at the IBG3.It has been developed within the DataHub initiative of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. |
GeoNode | GFZ Central Web Map Services (v2) |
GFZ Earthquake Explorer | GFZ Earthquake Explorer |
GitLab@AWI | GitLab is a web-based platform that combines version control, collaboration, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), issue tracking, and documentation features. It helps teams manage software development projects by providing a unified environment for code management, collaboration, and automated software delivery. |
GitLab@DESY | This is the DESY GitLab server. |
GitLab@DESY (test instance) | Test Environment for |
GitLab@GFZ (premium) | GitLab Enterprise |
GitLab@GFZ (community) | GitLab Community |
GitLab@HZDR | Collaborative software development platform including Continuous Integration. |
GitLab PUNCH | Collaborative software development platform including Continuous Integration. Used by PUNCH4NFDI. |
Grafana SDM open | Grafana public instance to monitor data of GridKa and other projects at KIT/SCC. |
HELIPORT | The data management guidance system HELIPORT at HZDR. |
Helmholtz AI Voucher System | Voucher System of Helmholtz AI. |
Helmholtz Marketplace | helmholtz marketplace |
Herbie Prod | Publically available demo deployment of the ELN Herbie. |
Herbie ELN | The internal production deployment of the ELN Herbie. |
herbie-kirchner-dev | Local development setup of Herbie |
HIFIS-GPU@HZDR | The HiFiS-GPU Clusterservice provides high performance computing services to Helmholtz users. |
HIFIS Helpdesk | The HIFIS Software helpdesk is the place where user requests for HIFIS Software are handled. |
HIFIS RSD | The Helmholtz Research Software Directory. |
ColLabTeX | The HiFiS-Sharelatex service enables the user to share, edit and compile LaTeX documents online. |
HiFiS Storage Desy | dCache Web-Frontend for the storage provided by DESY for HIFIS. |
HIFIS webODV | HIFIS webODV implementation |
HIP Modalities Development | HIP Modali222ties |
HDF Cloud DKFZ | HDF Openstack at DKFZ |
HDF Cloud Juelich | HDF Cloud at JSC comprises Openstack compute, network, and volume services as well as an integration with the DATA file system also available on the HPC systems. |
HMC Community | HMC Community Website |
HZB-GATE | GATE is a digital user office portal which functions as a general access tool to the experimental infrastructures of HZB. |
HZDR Chatbot | A chat bot demonstrator under evaluation. |
IMK-ASF THREDDS Test Data Server | IMK-ASF THREDDS Test Data Server |
Indico@JSC | Event planning service at JSC |
instdlr | Instrument metadata database |
JSC Authentication Service | JSC Authentication Service for several webservices, e.g. Jupyter |
JSC login service | AAI Proxy for JSC services |
jsc_cloud | The JSC Cloud comprises OpenStack compute, network, and volume services as well as an integration with the DATA file system also available on the HPC systems. |
JuChat | Chat-Platform for Helmholtz |
JuGit | Public Gitlab Instance of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
Institutional research data repositorium made at Jülich |
Jupyter4NFDI | Jupyter4NFDI Staging webservice. JupyterHub with some additional features. |
Jupyterhub@HZB | JupyterHub Server |
Jupyterhub Testumgebung | Jupyterhub - Testumgebung |
KCDC | ||
Keycloak@DESY | Keycloak Service for integration of authorization for cloud services. |
Keycloak@DESY Zeuthen | Keycloak Realm for Zeuthen DV |
| | Haicore@MDC |
LimeSurvey at DKFZ (backup) | LimeSurvey at DKFZ (Backup) |
LimeSurvey at DKFZ (Production) | LimeSurvey at DKFZ (Production) |
LimeSurvey at HMGU | LimeSurvey at HMGU |
LSDF at KIT | Webdav access to the LSDF at KIT |
MANCOGA Community Website | DataHub Community Website |
Marine Data Portal | The Marine Data Portal offers search for datasets, articles and publications and exploration of data products. |
Moin4Herbie | The publicly available production deployment of the ELN Herbie for the MOIN4Herbie project. |
MOSES RDMO Staging Sandbox | GFZ Instance of MOSES RDMO Staging Sandbox |
Mytoken | Mytoken is a web service to obtain OIDC Access Tokens in an easy but secure way for extended periods of time and across multiple devices. |
mytoken eu | Mytoken is a web service to obtain OIDC Access Tokens in an easy but secure way for extended periods of time and across multiple devices. |
Nextcloud4Immuno | Nextcloud for NFDI4Immuno |
Nextcloud4Immuno Dev | Nextcloud Dev for NFDI4Immuno |
| staging | The public staging server for, a bas4nfdi service. |
Nomad | An open source web service for organising, analysing, sharing and publishing materials science data using the FAIR approach. |
Nubes | Sync and share service of HZB. |
Nubes Entwicklungsumgebung | nubes development instance |
nubes-malt | Project to test MS alternatives based on nextcloud. |
O2A Data Flow Framework | The O2A framework supports automation of data flows from observations to analysis and archives. |
OIDC agent | oidc-agent is an application for users to manage their OIDC tokens. All info is processed and stored locally. |
openCARP GitLab | openCARP is an open cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in-silico experiments. Its source code is public and the software is freely available for academic purposes. |
OpenProject HZB | HZB based project management service based on OpenProject software. |
OrPhEUS | The service OrPhEUS or the OIDC ProvidEr featUre Support portal is a system to compare different OpenID Connect providers and check which functionality is supported by the different providers. It can also be used to perform certain OIDC flows and check the output of theses flows. |
OSIS API | Ocean Science Information System |
PaN-Training | Training catalogue for the photon & neutron science. Catalogue of educational material and learning workflows from institutes around Europe. |
PHILEAS | Only scientists of PHILEAS are allowed to use this service. We do use the VO PHILEAS_storage for a ressource capability User Group. The User with access to the cloud signed the data protocoll. |
PSE Lastenkerle | The service Lastenkarle is a cargo bike rental service. |
rodate | HZDR Data Publication Repository |
RDMO HZDR | The HZDR Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) Service is a tool to support the planning, implementation, and organisation of research data management for Helmholtz users. |
RDMO NFDI4Ing | NFDI-AAI integration for RDMO NFDI4Ing |
Redmine@HMGU | Redmine Project Management Service. |
REMS | Resource Entitlement Management System (REMS) is a tool for managing access rights to resources, such as research datasets. |
RI2 | Research infrastructure catalogue |
Research Software Directory GFZ | Research Software Directory GFZ |
Research Software Directory UFZ | Research Software Directory UFZ |
Rucio Punch | Service account used for transfer and deletion requests in Rucio Service for PUNCH4NFDI |
Rucio Punch Frontend | REST API for Rucio datamanagement service for PUNCH4NFDI |
Sample Management System | The Sample Management System enables management of metadata about samples from earth and environment. |
scc-dem | The connected services provides a Keycloak instance used for testing purposes in the context of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform (HMC) as well as for NFDI MatWerk offered by the Data Exploitation Methods department of Steinbuch Centre for Computing at KIT. |
SciFlow | SciFlow is a collaborative text editors for researchers and students |
Sensor Management System at GFZ | GFZ instance of Sensor Management System - A system to manage sensors in form of single devices, platforms, configurations and related projects. |
Dev Instance of Sensor Management System at GFZ | GFZ development instance of Sensor Management System - A system to manage sensors in form of single devices, platforms, configurations and related projects. Onlyl temporary movement to productive IdP. |
Sandbox for the Sensor Management System at GFZ | Sandbox for the instance of Sensor Management System (SMS) at the GFZ - The SMS is a system to manage sensors in form of single devices, platforms, configurations and related projects. The sandbox is a test instance to try the SMS. |
Snip | |
SonarQube@DESY | SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages. SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security vulnerabilities. This instance has been setup for use within the HIFIS project. |
Storage HMGU | Apache Endpoint for HIFIS |
Swarm Learning Hub | swarm learning hub |
techdb_dev | The Helmholtz technology database aims to serve as a central platform for technology data in the field of energy systems analysis. It integrates data from various sources, uses detailed, machine-readable metadata based on the Open Energy Ontology (OEO), and enables cross-dataset searchability. The database is still under development. |
TERENO DOI | DOI Management for TERENO |
TetraX Discussions | Discussion forum around the open source software TetraX. |
THREDDS Data Server for Climatology Data | THREDDS Data Server for Climatology Data |
timeio thing management | Thing management application of the http://time.IO time series management infrastructure. |
Tmatrix-Portal-KIT | Th service is dedicated for a web portal for the DAPHONA project, that aims to handle Tmatrix storage limitations. |
Toar Services | An overarching service that facilitates querying the metadata and data products from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) database |
WaTTS | The service WaTTS is a Token Translation Service (TTS) that provides a layer where identities, enrollment, group membership and other attributes and authorization policies on distributed resources can be managed in an homogeneous way. |
UFZ BioMe Platform | Plattform für Citizen Science Projekte im Bereich der Biodiversitätsforschung. |
UFZ BioMe Platform (STAGE) | Plattform für Citizen Science Projekte im Bereich der Biodiversitätsforschung (STAGE System). |
UFZ External Web Applications | Generic authentication of external available web services of the UFZ |
UFZ-Grafana | Viewer for TimeSeries-Data at UFZ |
UFZ Sensor Management System | UFZ instance of Sensor Management System - A system to manage sensors in form of single devices, platforms, configurations and related projects. |
UFZ Time Series Management | Time series management system of the UFZ developed by the research data management team |
User Office Core | A proposal management system meant for efficient utilization of computing resources at HZDR. This is the development instance, meant only for internal testing at Department of Information Services and Computing (FWC), HZDR. |
Verbis Login Service | Verbis Login Service |
V-FOR-WaTer Demo Portal | V-FOR-WaTer is a virtual research environment for researchers of hydrology and environmental science. |
V-FOR-WaTer Portal | V-FOR-WaTer is a virtual research environment for researchers of hydrology and environmental science. |
Virtual Compute Resources (HDF) | A collection of different infrastructures for viewing, displaying and analyzing environmental data. |
warmworld-easier | We plan to provide access to ESM data stored at different data centers (e.g. JSC, DKRZ). We aim for a federated data catalog to allow for an easier access to the data at all centers. This is part of the Warmworld Easier project. |
Webdav for LSDF | Webdav access to the LSDF at KIT |
WebFTS for Helmholtz | WebFTS testing instance for Helmholtz |
webssh oidc | Webssh is a self-installable service for running ssh with oidc in a web browser. |